Best time to go to Thailand: Daruma Doll Festival- Haijimadaishi Temple

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 take in to a shrine, inside the start few days of the novel year, is a really of import aspect of Japanese culture, known equally hatsumode. There are diverse celebrations held at these shrines, but nosotros chose to attend the Daruma doll festival, at Haijimadaishi Shrine, close our home.

The shrine was decorated for the novel yr amongst colorful bunting. Love all the utilization of color!

The start prayer of the novel yr is really important, hence the employment to the actual shrine was very long. We didn't hold back inwards the line, but only walked roughly enjoying the festivities.

There were lots of nutrient stalls.

Nihon does non actually accept street nutrient AT ALL, except for at the festivals, hence it's ever a treat.

The chocolate covered banana on-a-stick, is ever a favorite!

Daruma is a expert luck doll for the upcoming year.

You purchase a novel Daruma doll each year, together with color inwards i oculus when you lot brand your wish. If your want comes truthful during the year, you lot color inwards the other eye.

You convey terminal year's Daruma to throw inwards the fire, which is purpose of the "out amongst the old, inwards amongst the new" approach to the novel year, that I actually like.

There were stacks, upon stacks of Daruma's, of all sizes, waiting to last purchased.


There were equally good many colorful together with festive decorations of other kinds.

One of my favorites, was the kabura-ya, or arrow amongst a "turnip" shaped tip. These are modeled afterwards arrows that the samurai used, to attach messages to together with shoot them into a fortress or other enclosure. Now, they are sold at Shinto shrines at the novel year, as protection from evil spirits.

I don't personally buy into superstition, but actually liked the await of it, together with the tiny daruma attached. Here is a closer look.

At i indicate nosotros were motioned over past times a grouping of burn downward fighters who were on their break. The ladies inwards the grouping were fixing lunch for the guys. 

They were hence kind, together with offered us a bowl of soup. It was a miso soup amongst some vegetables. It tasted hence expert together with warm on a mutual coldness day.

We enjoyed talking to them for a few minutes, together with i of the guys had really expert English. Then they offered us the "dessert" soup. It was a sweetness carmine edible bean (azuki) soup, amongst a brick of mochi at the bottom.

Mochi is made from pounding rice into a paste, together with hence forming it into the desired shape. It is a really pop dish roughly the novel year. It sort of had a chewy texture. We really enjoyed trying these really authentic novel yr foods, together with  chatting amongst these overnice people. Thanks burn downward department!

I actually loved this dragon dog! When you lot meet a dragon, inwards a parade or elsewhere, gibe your caput out. If the dragon comes upwards to seize amongst teeth your head, you lot volition accept expert luck. I didn't know this together with accept lost several chances at luck! Better belatedly than never....

Doesn't await equally menacing from this angle!

It has been hence much fun for me to larn close this amazing culture, which is hence really dissimilar from my own. Happy New Year!


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