Best time to go to Thailand: A Morn At A Sumo Stable- Fascinating!

 When I asked my visiting job solid unit of measurement members what they wanted to create piece inwards Tokyo, my blood brother mentioned attending a sumo tournament. Unfortunately, tournaments are entirely held a few times per twelvemonth together with they missed it past times merely weeks! However, I had a friend nation me that it was possible to scout morn practise sessions correct at the stable (the bespeak a sumo practise building). We booked a tour guide, since most stables require a Japanese speaker to endure present, together with she walked us to the stable together with nosotros were literally upward closed together with personal to the practise session!

We removed our shoes together with sat on a tatami mat close 4 feet away from the action.

While 2 of the wrestlers sparred, the residue of the guys were continuously, moving, stretching, practicing. It was quite amazing to watch. (The guy inwards the squat spot spent almost the entire 2-3 hr session inwards variations of that position. So difficult!)

Periodically, the wrestlers would switch opponents, together with set about a novel match. H5N1 fit is over when a sumo steps out of the band or whatever torso part, other than their feet, are on the ground.

Sumo is a revered sport inwards Japan, together with fifty-fifty watching the practise session, at that spot were many rules of etiquette to obey. We could non talk, displace around, consume or drink, or pose the soles of our feet towards the band (this is considered disrespectful), to cry merely a few. Luckily, pictures were okay. We weren't sure how the girls would concur up, but they were completely mesmerized!

H5N1 few times during the practice, they swept the band together with threw on tabular array salt together with water, which are purifying rituals.

This human being was the master, together with occasionally barked orders at the sumo, but, other than that, didn't seem to pay besides closed attending to the practise session. We were scared of him! 

At 1 betoken some other sumo entered, dressed inwards traditional yukata. Our guide subsequently told us that they were visiting from some other stable together with came to spar. Sumo are required to article of apparel traditional dress, including geta (flip-flop's) at all times, fifty-fifty inwards winter! They must also grow their pilus long to endure worn inwards the occur knot.

Many strict rules principle the lives of a sumo. They all live together with educate together (about 10-15 men) inwards the stable, sometimes good into their belatedly 30's. Though, if they marry, they are allowed to alive on their own. Sumo are also non allowed to drive a car. Apparently, a sumo was involved inwards a machine accident years ago, thence the no-driving rule.

Most people joke of sumo beingness large guys who consume a lot (and the blow upward sumo costume also comes to mind) but, nosotros were all really amazed at the degree of agility together with athleticism of these men. They for sure came inwards all sizes, too. We nicknamed the guy on the right, the "skinny sumo", together with interestingly, at that spot are no weight classes inwards sumo.

This guy was slamming his hands into this post, together with trying to force it. Ouch! 

The practise surface area was small, entirely a 4 human foot ledge for watching, together with the residue of the room was the ring.

We sat correct inwards front end of that shrine along the wall. Literally, front end row seats!

Here is a closer expect at the shrine, of sorts. Sumo has real potent ties, ceremonially to the Shinto religion. Therefore, they nevertheless create a lot of the Shinto rituals, dating dorsum thousands of years.

 At the terminate of the practise session, they stretched equally a group. They did this leg lift, alternating sides, almost continuously throughout the entire session.

We watched the activity for closed to 2 hours together with  LOVED it, but that was close all the flooring sitting I could handle! As Americans, nosotros are non used to sitting on the flooring besides long, without beingness able to stretch out. Speaking of stretching....

Their flexibility rivaled that of a dancer!

After practice, they were prissy plenty to pose for a painting demo alongside us. We idea this is was where the tour would end....

But they hung out alongside us exterior for quite awhile, taking pictures together with doing the best nosotros all could to communicate. Our tour guide was a nifty translator! This guy seemed to endure the band leader here. Sumo is VERY hierarchical together with the occur wrestler at each stable rules the roost.

At 1 point, the band leader sent some other guy inwards to instruct his job organization cards, together with this paper, called banzuke. The banzuke is a listing of all sumo inwards gild of rank, also their hometown, together with is published a few weeks earlier a large tournament. It was printed on this awesome washi paper, together with I convey since read they are considered collectors items amidst some fans. He gave us each 1 equally a gift.  It looks together with so cool, I mean value I volition frame it!

It was together with so fun to come across a to a greater extent than set dorsum version of these guys. In practise they were all together with so serious!

And 1 terminal grouping shot! (This is my blood brother Adam, my sis Erica, together with my niece, Victoria.)

The stable seemed so secretive together with nondescript from the outside.

Then, they began to hose off outside, literally!

Definitely non a sight y'all come across everyday!

The girls all came habitation sumo fans! They liked practicing the movements at habitation that evening. Too funny!

Of all the things that I've done inwards Nippon together with so far, this may real good endure the coolest! I LOVED this whole experience! Matt was non able to bring together us this become around, together with so nosotros are definitely going again- SOON!


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