Best time to go to Thailand: A Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony

I receive got been wanting to sense a traditional Japanese tea ceremony for awhile now, too hence I idea this would hold out a perfect activeness for my mom's visit. We went to the real fancy Imperial Hotel, because I heard they conducted ceremonies inward English linguistic communication equally good equally Japanese. The tea ceremony, or chanoyu, is of non bad significance inward Japanese civilisation too is derived from Zen Buddhism. This is the beautiful stone garden at the hotel entrance.

We arrived at the tea ceremony room too sat inward a real serene waiting area, I wishing I had taken a picture! You could come across this beautiful , peaceful patio through around large drinking glass doors.

We removed our shoes too entered the tea ceremony room, through a "crawl door", which was merely a real small-scale door into a 4x5 human foot tatami room. The scrolls are customary too unremarkably pull what flavor is beingness celebrated.

The room was real small-scale too darkened, it was a overnice interruption from our busy 24-hour interval of sight seeing.

We began amongst wagashi, a traditional Japanese sweet. The sweetness is idea to residual out the bitter gustation of the tea.

On origin glance, it looked similar around form of rice ball, but it was real smooth, too slightly sweet. This detail wagashi, was made from cherry azuki edible bean paste. They receive got the beans too squelch them amongst beloved or carbohydrate to sweeten them. It nearly had the texture of mashed potatoes or refried beans. Interesting.

And directly for the tea....

 It takes many years to acquire the proper agency to perform a tea ceremony.

Everything she did was real precise, fifty-fifty how she held the utensils, too how she position them down.

They stirred the tea, or matcha,  with a petty bamboo whisk until it was frothy, of course of pedagogy it was the perfect temperature too! Green tea is pretty much a staple inward Japan, y'all volition always find it served at restaurants, unremarkably complimentary. It is a fleck bitter, but is supposed to hold out wonderful for peel too hair.

They served each of us inward a real precise fashion too bowed.

These ladies performing the tea ceremony were real elderly, but they got upwards too downward off the floor amongst such ease.

The ladies said that the spirit of the tea ceremony is to encourage people to deadening downward too savour the small-scale things, too that every purpose of the ceremony, including the small-scale night room, is to encourage unwinding.  She also said that inward life, changing your mind, is non equally of import equally changing your heart. I liked that.

These are the tea making utensils, too the tea is inward powdered form.

Another expect at the beautiful patio, merely exterior the tearoom. Ahhh, makes me wishing I was at that topographic point correct now....


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