Best time to go to Thailand: A Twenty-Four Hours Of Conduct Chances Encounters

Today was really an unintended endangerment that blessed us inwards hence many ways. I offered to escort a skillful friend, together with her husband, into Tokyo for some medical tests to endure done at St. Luke's International Hospital. She was non familiar amongst the develop organization together with was worried they would non larn inwards to the engagement on fourth dimension if mistakes were made. The girls, together with I,  got them to the infirmary amongst minutes to spare, together with decided to roam around exterior during the appointment.

First stop, a java store across the street for some iced tea. This overnice man, Ichiro-san (the homo inwards the hat) was sitting at the adjacent table, and was delighted to do his English linguistic communication amongst us. No sooner did nosotros have down our conversation, did he trace out a personalized notepad (complete amongst watermarks) together with started writing letters- to us!

This was my letter.

And each of the girls received this letter.

He gave me his card, (he is the CEO of a banking group, apparently) together with insisted upon getting my address hence he could postal service the painting exhibit together with a missive of the alphabet (no worries, everyone, nosotros lead maintain a PO Box, I'll allow you lot know if nosotros larn the letter). I shout out back he volition endure added to my Christmas carte list. He together with hence directed us out the door together with downwards some stairs to relish the river walk.

We really enjoyed walking along the Sumida River, watching boats, together with talking.

We were trying to accept a waterfront selfie, when a homo came scurrying over to accept the painting exhibit for us. This is the painting exhibit he took.

I only dear ivy, together with it is everywhere here. I approximate that is what a humid climate volition produce for you.

Lunch was the adjacent lodge of business. We only got a sandwich from the convenience store and sat inwards this courtyard to eat. This twosome was practicing for a exhibit afterward that evening, hence nosotros got to relish some beautiful music equally nosotros ate.

The girls dear these sandwiches, together with in that place are LOTS of flavors to pick out from. Japanese convenience store nutrient is totally kicked upwards a notch from dorsum home.

Fruit together with whipped cream? I'm non hence certain nearly that one...

The wrapper fifty-fifty unfolds to piece of job a handy plate, that you lot could agree inwards your lap. Genius!

Eva likes to brand everything await similar Mt. Fuji.

After lunch, nosotros only wandered downwards the street adjacent to the infirmary together with came to a park. They played for a few minutes.

This sand box was perfectly manicured, amongst some sort of designing inwards the sand.  No surprise!

This was the former St. Luke's infirmary edifice that sat correct adjacent to the novel modern building.

We saw a sign for the chapel, together with decided to banking concern jibe it out. WOW!!!

We were met amongst this amazing, European vogue cathedral, consummate amongst stained drinking glass windows!

Where are nosotros again? Downtown Tokyo?! Just seeing this chapel would endure worth the trip, fifty-fifty without a require for the hospital!

The girls were excited to encounter a Bible together with hymnal, inwards Japanese.

Next stop, the 7-11 for an H2O ice cream cone. They are packaged inwards these amazing footling holders, which brand them hence much easier to swallow together with less messy.

The rim fifty-fifty catches the drips. Again, genius!

At this point, several hours had passed, together with the medical tests were withal ongoing. After discussing amongst my friend, she idea she could manage the trains amongst some written instruction, hence the girls together with I could piece of job on home. I sat downwards inwards the infirmary lobby, furiously texting detailed instructions for the trip home, to include 4 transfers. In the meantime, the girls were existence entertained (for over xxx minutes!) in this tiny gift store past times these 2 sweetness ladies. They were teaching them the traditional Japanese girls game of otedama, which is similar to juggling, amongst these footling beanbags called ojami. Traditionally, the game is taught from grandmothers to their granddaughters, isn't that nice? They also showed them how to brand an origami cranes. Such kindness.

We bought the ojami, hence they could proceed practicing otedama. Ella is getting pretty good!

On the develop ride home, nosotros got to play amongst footling Hiroka. Her woman raise knew only plenty English linguistic communication together with I knew only plenty Japanese, that nosotros had a genuinely wonderful visit. And nosotros LOVED footling Hiroka, who volition plow 1 on Halloween.

So, for non really setting out to endangerment today, (we didn't fifty-fifty larn out the street of the hospital) nosotros had such an amazing day! We were blessed past times the kindness of so many dissimilar strangers, my friend successfully navigated her agency domicile through the vast Tokyo develop system, together with her husband's medical tests came dorsum 99.9%, nil to worry about. God is hence good!


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