Best time to go to Thailand: A Lovely Hike Upwards Mountain Takao

H5N1 few weeks ago, nosotros spent a lovely Sabbatum hiking to the transcend of Mount Takao. There was fifty-fifty a chair elevator to receive got you lot one-half agency upwardly the mountain. This was for certain no Mt. Fuji... thankfully!

The girls felt really adventurous, equally at that topographic point was no topographic point belt or protective bar on the chair lift. (My woman raise would NOT receive got liked this, however!) 

I actually enjoyed this ride. 

The chair elevator permit us off nigh one-half agency upwardly the mountain, too at that topographic point was a beautiful persuasion of the urban kernel from there. 

Now to commence the hike. The path was really good paved too really clean. This was my sort of hike! 

It wouldn't last a truthful Japanese hike without lots of vending machines every few feet, 

lots of nutrient (always to include H2O ice cream), 

too lots of trinkets to buy. Love it!

Further on upwardly the hike, at that topographic point was a row of to a greater extent than than x enormous cedars, that were marked equally beingness sacred. Apparently, they withstood a devastating typhoon which struck the surface area inwards 1966. 

Some of these tress were over 160 feet tall. Amazing!

Not actually sure of the significance of this, but I loved how it looked.

Yes, at that topographic point is e'er a shrine. 

And to a greater extent than food. These are mochi balls, which are a chewy rice paste. They are really pop Japanese snack, but only non my sort of thing. 

The urban kernel views were spectacular, too it was such a clear day. 

There were many shrines, of varying sizes, all along the trail. 

This was the largest shrine, close the top. On our agency dorsum downwards the mountain, at that topographic point was around sort of worship session going on, including monks.

Getting closer. 

Hooray, nosotros made it! Again, zip similar Mt. Fuji, equally everyone is silent all smiles. When Mt. Fuji is your comparison, everything else seems simple. The girls said, "We're already at the top?!"

The backside of the mount did supply a neat persuasion of Mt. Fuji, though. 

And to cap off a neat day, nosotros went to our favorite neighborhood ramen place. Ramen is definitely a Japanese staple. 

I e'er dearest how Japanese businesses receive got these modest curtains at the door. 

This is a really typical looking bowl of ramen. Matt peculiarly loves this eating theatre though, because they role a pork broth rather than miso or dashi (fish stock).  There will always last a side of rice inwards Japan, no thing the entrée.

The fried gyoza was the perfect complement. 

H5N1 really delicious end to a lovely day!


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