Best time to go to Thailand: Robot Restaurant....Ummm, Speechless

 Thanks to my mom beingness inwards town for a visit, Matt in addition to I got a rare appointment night. We headed downward to Shinjuku alongside our expert friends, the Kever's, to the Robot Restaurant. We were inwards for quite an experience!

This is the forepart of the  restaurant. It is called Robot Restaurant, but it is genuinely to a greater extent than of a show. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 modest bento box repast tin sack live purchased for Y1,000 ($10.00), but nosotros skipped that, equally the chief attraction is genuinely the show.

Upon arrival, nosotros were ushered into a lounge to hold back for the exhibit to begin. In this calming in addition to serenely decorated room (haha), nosotros visited in addition to waited for the show. Las Vegas may induce got finally met it's match!

These ladies were playing lovely classical music selections. Canon inwards D goes perfectly alongside the décor, no? But I genuinely enjoyed the music!

The "beer girl" was genuinely wearing a keg on her back.

There were too cocktail waitresses inwards kitty ears.

And each tabular array had a toy dinosaur crawling some the table. We're off to a bully start -and that was simply the beginning!

When it was fourth dimension for the show, nosotros entered a really psychedelic looking staircase to brand our agency to the theater.

The exhibit was a really bizarre mix of music, dancers, characters, robots, in addition to everything else! These girls opened the exhibit alongside taiko drums.

Some irksome musical numbers.

Some drumming girls inwards bunny ears.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 boxing gibe betwixt 2 huge robots.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mermaid on a huge shark.

Some really big robots dancing to music.

But, the indicate which I realized that I had no clue what was going on, was when a panda acquit came riding out on a cow. This was a highlight for me indeed!

Our suspension selfie.

There was fifty-fifty a 2nd during the exhibit when they stopped all the activity to permit the audience members to  take pictures alongside the robots on the phase floor. (And inwards truthful Japanese fashion, pictures were too allowed during the entire performance!)

My run a jeopardy buddy, Merri, in addition to I.

When our pictures had been taken in addition to everyone had in 1 trial over again constitute their seats, the finale started. It was a bizarre mix of everything including audience participation alongside glow sticks to the melody of "Gangnam Style". So fun.

At the halt of the exhibit they invited everyone to instruct out immediately. Haha! We loved the signs they brought out, particularly the MOVE NOW part.

It was weird, it was wild, it was totally a blast. And oh, then Tokyo!


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