Best time to go to Thailand: Inokashira Koen, In Addition To A Hidden Gem!

Today nosotros headed dorsum to the fun neighborhood of Kichijoji, to the Inokashira Park. This is the bike parking at the educate station and it goes on forever. There are like bike lots all over Tokyo, fifty-fifty bike parking garages!

The commons was a beautiful greenish oasis inwards the city. It nonetheless amazes me how much greenish you lot tin uncovering inwards the largest urban heart together with individual inwards the world. This was such a beautiful jump solar daytime too, only absolutely perfect weather!

We happened upon a tiny zoo inwards this park, genuinely a hidden gem. Children were costless together with I paid alone Y300 ($3.00) for myself. Such a bargain! There was a small-scale aeroplane aviary, aquarium, together with some native to Nippon animals.

There were also picayune postage stamp stations only about the grounds that you lot could collect. The girls loved this.

But, the hands downwards favorite attraction was the guinea grunter petting area. There was a large bin total of guinea pigs together with you lot could select i to hold.

They didn't desire to leave!

Two picayune animals!

At the dorsum of the zoo was a tiny entertainment commons area, each ride toll Y100 ($1), nonetheless an amazing cause create for Tokyo.

There was also an enclosed cage that you lot could walk into, amongst Japanese squirrels. They were running only about all over the house together with then fun to watch.

Also, lots of overnice exhibits, but linguistic communication was a occupation for us.

Next nosotros came to the play area. Yes, the seesaw is hold out together with good inwards Japan, danger together with all!

After the zoo, nosotros continued to walk the grounds of the park.

And in that place seems to always hold out a shrine. The crimson colouring is then vibrant together with beautiful!


Hanging out at the koi pond.

The girls were desperate to rent a swan boat. Maybe side past times side time.

This guy was doing magic tricks, then nosotros stopped to picket on the walk dorsum to the educate station.

We rode abode inwards the kickoff auto of the train. It was interesting to picket the driver, together with encounter the sentiment from the front end window.

H5N1 really enjoyable, (and cheap) gamble for this lovely jump day!


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